For many who have lost their jobs or who don’t earn enough to live on, debt has become a harsh reality.  So much so, that they are afraid to even think about their situation.  But burying your head in the sand isn’t the answer.  With God’s help and some common-sense suggestions you can start moving towards financial freedom.  A respected financial consultant offers these suggestions.

First, be truthful.  Before you can change anything you need to know where your money is going.  There is nothing to be ashamed of; like an alcoholic entering recovery, the first step is admitting you have a problem.  On a card jot down every amount you spend for 30 days. It adds up quickly, ‘all those little foxes ruin the vineyard’ (Song of Songs 2:15 NLT).  By looking at the big picture, you will see areas you can cut back.

Second, learn from your past experiences.  If you don’t learn from the past you will keep repeating it.  For example, if you didn’t receive many Christmas gifts as a child, it can be tempting to overcompensate with your own kids and end up maxing out your credit cards. Or, growing up in an atmosphere of financial turmoil can make it difficult to talk about money with your spouse.

Third, value yourself more than your pay check.  Jesus said the important things in life aren’t ‘things’ (Matthew 6:25).  Beating yourself up won’t help you earn more; it will just blind you to the real blessings in life.

Remember, no matter how tough it gets, God is faithful.  David said, ‘I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging’, and you won’t either!

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