The Lord has kept me alive. Joshua 14:10 NKJV

At the ripe old age of eighty-five, Caleb said to Joshua, ‘the Lord has kept me alive, just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day.  And Joshua blessed him, and gave Hebron to Caleb...

I have played the fool. 1 Samuel 26:21 NKJV

Your obituary says a lot about you.  King Saul’s last words were: ‘I have played the fool'(1 Samuel 26:21 NKJV).  Israel’s first king was destined for greatness until he decided to do things his own way instead of God’s way.When the...

God has come to test you. Exodus 20:20 NKJV

Do you remember your school days?  When you were being tested the teacher was silent.The Bible says: ‘Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him.  When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and He saw the...

I have walked in integrity. Psalm 26:1 NKJV

To protect themselves from the barbaric hordes from the north, the people of China built the Great Wall.  It was so high nobody could climb over it and so thick nobody could break through it, so they settled back to enjoy life.  During the first hundred...